Proud 2 Be Me Challenge


June 15-30, 2021

About us

Give Us The Floor helps teens deal with distress through innovative and unique online peer Supportive Group Chats that provide constant contact and anonymity in a safe teen-only community, breaking the isolation and shame cycles they are experiencing.

Trained teens facilitate the confidential groups and participants help each other with prevalent mental health and social issues such as depression, isolation, anxiety, identity, discrimination, bullying, relationships, domestic violence, and body image.

About the challenge

The #Proud2BeMeChallenge gives teens the opportunity to reflect on themselves and realize that they can be proud of who they are!

No more shame or stigma. They are worthy.

The challenge consists of sharing a short video on Instagram reels about what makes them feel proud using #Proud2BeMeChallenge when posting. 

The challenge will run on Instagram from June 15-30, 2021. The most amazing posts will be shared on our website and on our partners' social media platforms.

Example Posts and Email

Let's Work Together

and break the cycle.